Lindsay Lohan on Amanda Bynes: Why Isn't SHE in Jail?!

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Oft-jailed and always-troubled star Lindsay Lohan wants to know why Amanda Bynes hasn't been placed behind bars for her various driving infractions.
Seriously. Lohan Tweeted this weekend in reference to Bynes: "Why did I get put in jail and a nickelodeon star has had NO punishment(s) so far?"
A fair question ... except coming from a train wreck, compulsive liar and career klepto who's committed probation violations too numerous to count.
Li-Lo PhotoHot Amanda Bynes
Lindsay Lohan either feels she was scapegoated and she should never had gone to jail, or thinks that she got a fair sentence but Bynes should receive the same.
Somehow we're guessing it's the former.
It's worth noting that Lindsay went to jail only because she violated probation (A LOT) stemming from a DUI conviction. Amanda has been convicted of nothing.
Bynes was arrested for DUI in April and had her license suspended after two hit-and-run incidents, but all cases are pending; her car was impounded Sunday.
Lohan went on to add: "These are the moments that I appreciate my life experiences, living without regrets and Disney for supporting me as an actress-night all*"