Justin Bieber Offered Minor League Hockey Contract

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We already knew that Justin Bieber was a baller. The singer was named MVP of the 2011 Celebrity All-Star Game.
But at least one minor league hockey team admires the artist for his moves on the ice as well: the Bakersfield Condors have offered Bieber a contract!
Justin Bieber in Germany
Says Matt O'Dette on the squad's website, regarding why his team has been afflicted with Bieber Fever:
"Very rarely do you see this combination of skill and toughness. We share a common Canadian heritage since we both hail from Ontario. I've scouted some video of him online skating with my hometown team, the Toronto Maple Leafs, and I think he could provide some elusive speed up front for us. Plus, he's a right-handed shot which we've been looking to add. I think if we paired him on a line with (Robby) Dee and (Peter) Boyd we'd be tough to beat."
The site adds that Justin "possesses soft hands, a good skating stride, and a devastating wrist shot capable of beating NHL caliber goaltenders. He appears to be strong in shootouts as well."
You've been warned, Martin Brodeur!