Rebecca Black to Release Videos Until the Day She Dies

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For Rebecca Black, it will always be "Friday."
The 15-year old tells Billboard Magazine that she has no plans on slowing down her music career any time soon. In fact, she's nearly finished recording her debut album, a CD whose influences include Rihanna and The Black Keys.
Will any of those artists be collaborating with Black?

No, says the artist: "Since it's my first album, we're really just starting off and getting the base but maybe next time."
And, yes, Rebecca plans for there to be a next time. And a time after that. And a time after that. Asked if fans can expect more videos in the future, Black didn't hesitate, replying:
"For sure. Until the day I die. Until the day I die."
Fortunately, death threats against the singer have passed. So let's all hope that day doesn't arrive any time soon.